Lead Well, Live Well

Preventing Burnout for Innovation

Photo: MirageC / Getty Images

In the tech industry, where innovation never relents, it’s easy for leaders to neglect their well-being. Gartner reported that an alarming 60% of us had burnout in the past year. That’s a grim reminder to prioritize self-care. Doing so fosters a positive environment, making us more creative, motivated, and healthy.

Ten Useful Principals

  1. Rekindle the Why: Amid the daily grind, losing sight of the bigger picture is easy. Regularly revisiting and sharing the purpose behind our work can reignite passion and motivation, safeguarding against the disconnectedness that often leads to burnout.

  2. Define Your Sanctuaries: The blur between work and personal life in our field can be subtle. Drawing a clear line—where work ends and personal life begins—takes conscious effort. Ensuring that evenings and weekends remain havens for relaxation and personal pursuits isn’t just beneficial; it’s vital for sustainable productivity.

  3. Delegation as Empowerment: This is more than just offloading tasks. It’s about learning your team’s capabilities and aspirations. Then, you can align duties with their strengths. That way, you can cultivate a sense of ownership and growth and spread the workload to tap their potential.

  4. Model Well-being: Leadership is as much about setting examples as it is about strategy. Integrating self-care into our routines—through nutrition, exercise, or mindfulness—sends a powerful message. It declares health is a priority, inspiring our teams to mirror these helpful practices.

  5. Champion True Disengagement: Abandon the 24/7 work mindset. Encouraging our teams to take breaks and disconnect during vacations isn’t just about rest. It’s about respecting everyone’s need for deep recovery, ensuring we return more inspired and invigorated.

  6. Nurture Open Conversations: It’s crucial to offer a space for openly discussing stress, workload, and mental health. This climate allows for early burnout detection and cultivates a support system rooted in empathy and understanding.

  7. Stay Attuned to Well-being: Keeping alert to our welfare and that of our teams enables us to be more agile, adjust workloads, introduce supportive measures, and recognize when to take a break. This proactive stance is pivotal to maintaining a vibrant, engaged, healthy team dynamic.

  8. Transparency in Balance: Sharing our journeys, managing stress, and striving for equilibrium demystify the path to well-being. It gives our teams realistic insights and strategies, encouraging them to find their balance.

  9. Cultivate Your Community: Leadership can be lonely. That’s why having a support network of mentors, peers, and professionals helps so much. These people can lend valuable insights and different perspectives and make you feel like you belong.

  10. Embrace Your Natural Rhythms: We often forget our productivity ebbs and flows. Recognizing when we’re most alert and energized for complex tasks can transform our workdays. The Pomodoro Technique, for instance, works in harmony with our concentration cycles—25 minutes of focused effort followed by a 5-minute breather.

. . .

Applying these principles to our leadership style fights burnout and creates a culture where innovation and well-being can thrive together. It’s a journey towards redefining success, where the team’s health is just as important as the milestones we hit. This approach ensures that our path forward is both sustainable and fulfilling.

Paul Adams

Spouse/Parent/Grandparent, Professional Nerd, Weimaraner Wrangler, Film Buff, Bookworm, Army Vet


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